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Digital Projects

ENGL 501:
"The Impact of Music on My Identity"

During the second unit of Melinda White's ENGL 501: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction course during the spring 2024 semester, I created a Snapshot Video Essay depicting the impact of music on my identity throughout my childhood. I wrote the script and proceeded to record, edit, and compile all media together in iMovie.

ENGL 510:
Digital Portfolio Website

While taking Melinda White's ENGL 510: Introduction to Digital Humanities course during the fall 2022 semester, I created an initial digital portfolio to showcase the miniature digital projects I created during the course. Using the Wix website builder, I created a clean and professional website, ensuring that each stylistic choice made was both deliberate and improved the user's experience.


The current website you are viewing is an updated revision of the mediation website I created during my sophomore year.

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ENGL 602:
Research-Driven Website

Throughout Molly Campbell's ENGL 602: Advanced Professional and Technical Writing during the fall 2022 semester, I spent substantial time researching and developing a data collection for a website focused on a topic of my choice. I chose to focus my website on the presence of technology in the modern workplace. I created my website using the Wix website builder, and the website includes sections on the importance of writing and breaks down the kinds of technology seen in five major industries, as well as tips for success.

ENGL 655:
Comics and Graphic Narrative Curriculum Website

In lieu of a final examination in Monica Chiu's ENGL 655: Comics and Graphic Narrative course during the fall 2023 semester, I collaborated with Anna Madden and Natalia Rivera, both of whom are fellow Text, Business Writing and Digital Studies majors, to create a substantial cumulative website. The website was created using the Wix website builder. The site displays the texts included in the course's curriculum and highlights some key content points that new students would benefit from knowing prior to the start of the course.

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ENGL 657:
The Taming of the Shrew Video Performance

To conclude Doug Lanier's ENGL 657: Shakespeare course during the spring 2023 semester, I collaborated with a group of students to record a performance from one of the six plays we read by William Shakespeare. The group collectively decided to focus on Act IV, Scene I and a brief excerpt from Act IV, Scene III of The Taming of the Shrew. I recorded and edited all of the footage and audio for the project, compiling all media together in iMovie.

ENGL 693:
"The Eras Tour Outfit Selector"

For my final project in Melinda White's ENGL 693: Digital Literature course during the spring 2023 semester, I created a project that allows readers to select a Taylor Swift-themed outfit. At the time of creation, I was anticipating going to "The Eras Tour" the upcoming month, and part of the concert's culture involves dressing up in the theme of one of her albums. To create the project, I compiled 64 outfit combination options across three of her albums, with one of the journeys leading to the correct outfit I planned on wearing.


Click the image to experience the Twine story in full screen!

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© 2024 by Cameron Slide

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