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Writing Samples

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ENGL 512:
"Chivalric Ambiguity"

In the second unit of Rachel Trubowitz's ENGL 512: British Literature course during the fall 2023 semester, the content was focused on 14th-century literature and chivalric values. My unit-concluding essay focused on the ambiguity of chivalric values seen in the endings of the Gawain Poet's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath’s Tale. The essay displays my skill in both traditional literature analysis and cross-examining two bodies of medieval literature.

ENGL 616B:
"Independent Films: A War Against Tradition"

At the conclusion of Delia Konzett's ENGL 616B: Studies in Film / Authorship course during the spring 2022 semester, I was tasked with researching and analyzing a selection of films that were viewed during the semester. I chose to focus on how vast the independent films genre is. The essay exemplifies my ability to critically analyze an assortment of media types, while simultaneously displaying my passion for film and cinema.

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Leap Easy:
$5,000 Essay Scholarship Contest Winning Entry

During my junior year in October 2022, I entered Leap Easy's Live and Learn Scholarship essay contest. After two months of deliberation, my essay was selected as one of five winners for the $5,000 scholarship. The essay is testament not only to my ability to tell an almost twenty three-year-long story in only 750 words, but also my ability to write award-worthy pieces of reflective work.

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