Writing Samples

Visual Earth - A Critical Analysis
In the preliminary unit of my Introduction to Digital Humanities course during the Fall 2022 semester, I was tasked with researching and analyzing a digital humanities project of my choice. I selected Visual Earth, a 2017 project created by Cultural Lab Analytics, a research lab based out of the University of California (UC) San Diego and the City University of New York (CUNY). The primary goal of the project was to compare the number of Tweeted images between September 2011 and June 2014 to the economic trends and geographic differences from each region represented on the map.

“The Black Cat”: A Distant and Close Reading Critical Analysis
In the second unit of my Introduction to Digital Humanities course during the Fall 2022 semester, we were given the opportunity to select an Edgar Allan Poe story from the Project Gutenberg database. Once I decided to analyze "The Black Cat", I entered the story's manuscript into Voyant Tools, which are data visualization tools that examine the manuscript under a quantitative microscope. This unit was concluded through a final critical analysis that incorporated my findings from the Voyant Tools, using the trends in word choice to support my thesis.

MMILL Oral Histories Teamwork Reflection

In the third unit of my Introduction to Digital Humanities course during the Fall 2022 semester, a group of two classmates (Jordan Robichaud and Kaitlin Carroll) and I collaborated with Rachel Ferrante, the Executive Director of the Maine Museum of Innovation, Learning and Labor (MMILL, and formerly known as Museum L-A). The primary goal of our Oral Histories group collaboration was to digitize audio files from cassettes and compact discs, rename each of the files for each interviewee with a consistent naming system, resize and export photos for each speaker, curate a short list of applicable search terms for each history, and write 50–100-word blurbs to synopsize what each interview was primarily about.